Friday, November 6, 2009

Blogging Break

I have been a little MIA from blog-land this week, I guess you could say I’ve got a case of blog-writer’s block!  And it’s not just my own blog I’ve neglected, I haven’t hardly visited any of my favorite peeps this week!  I promise I’ll post more next week, I’ve got some great DIY children’s birthday party projects that coordinate with the DIY invitations I showcased last week.  Here’s a peek:


I’ve also been battling with my new embroidery machine this week.  Yes, I said battling.  I’ve been having major bobbin issues, so most of my computer time this week has been spent on help forums and Google!

On another note, my scrapbook paper art project has been featured on Tip Junkie!  If you haven’t visited Tip Junkie yet, you should check it out.  She features all sort of great project ideas and tutorials.  Her site is one reason why my crafty to-do list is so long!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, it will be beautiful here and of course there’s lots of great football to watch!


Geaux Tigers, BEAT BAMA!!


  1. I've been neglecting Blogland, too. Hope you're able to get a leg up on your embroidery machine soon! :)

  2. I would not even know where to begin with an embroidery machine. I am impressed with your ability to use one!

  3. I have been neglecting my blogs also this week. It has just been a VERY busy week!

  4. We all get the blogging-guilt from time to time! My excuse was a quick vacation, but you've clearly had so much on your plate with that wonderful party!


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