Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Crafty To-Do List

Ever since I joined the blog-world, my crafting to-do list has grown immensely!  I have no less than four projects in progress at one time, and many more on the back burner.  I thought I would share a few on my to-do list.  These are all marked in my “favorites” list, and hopefully I’ll get around to most of them soon (by soon, I mean in the next year or so)!

Click on the photos to see detailed info

Flower Pin from My Mama Made It

Shopping Cart Caddy from Blue Cricket Design

Fabric Key Chain from U Create/The Idea Room

Pet ID tags from Martha Stewart

Pillowcase Dress from Nap Time Crafts

Diaper Wipes Case from Sew Dang Cute

Freezer Paper Stencil T-shirt from Two Ellie

Pillow with Rosette Clusters from The Storque

Still with me?? Just a few more!

Etched Silhouette Mirror from Living with Lindsay

Baby Leg Warmers from Purple Lizard Design

also seen on Samster Mommy

Textured Word Book by New House Project

Flower Collar by Katie Did

Whew! That’s a lot of projects! It’s up to y’all to hold me accountable for actually following through on all most some of these.  Many of them would make great Christmas gifts, so I’ve got to get my butt in gear!


  1. Oh my you will be a busy girl! I got a bug up my butt one year to make everyone an afghan for Christmas. I started in August though. I was surprised that I got all 34 of them done by then though!

    Good Luck!

  2. That list is intimidating. So, what's first on the list?

  3. Your to do list looks a lot like my to do list! LOL! Isn't it overwhelming the amount of crafty ideas you can find on the web!?! So wonderful and completely intimidating at the same time!

    Good luck to you (and me)!!


  4. That is some list but I know you are up to the task. Have fun and post pictures when you finish!

  5. That is a long list. And some very cute projects. Reminds me I need to get back to my list of projects.

  6. Oh! I love all of these, Christy!tooo precious! Thanks forstopping by today and visiting Tales from Bloggeritaville Thrifty Thursday.
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  7. I found you through a search of accountability - Having bloggers holding you accountable is a great idea for doing just about anything. Even crafts!

    You have a great blog!

  8. I was thinking of doing a post like this too. Of course, you have some that I didn't have. Now you just made my list longer. Ha ha! I'm going through mine this weekend. I think some would make great Christmas gifts.

  9. Ahhh. . .. the list. Mine only seems to get longer!

  10. Thanks for stopping by and offering some great suggestions. :) This list is incredible...too many ideas--now I want to make all of them. :)


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