Thursday, September 10, 2009

DIY Scavenger Hunt


Even though this isn’t a post about one of my DIY projects, I’m linking up with Kimba’s DIY Day because I know a lot of her readers will be interested in such a great DIY-related giveaway.

diygame2One of my favorite blogs is having an AWESOME giveaway to celebrate her 100th post.  Roeshel started the DIY Show Off Blog a short time ago and has gained over 300 followers and countless DIY submissions by her readers. The projects she features are inspirational to say the least.

Check out the DIY Showoff Blog for a fun Scavenger Hunt and you could win this:

Your own set of tools for all those great DIY projects, how great is that??  And if you’re reading this entry, you’re already on your way to winning, just check my sidebar for a clue!

Roeshel was kind enough to include me in her Awards post by nominating me for the Fabulous Blog Award.

This is the second time I’ve been recognized with this award, and it is an honor yet again. As recipient of this award, I'm to name 5 obsessions and tag 5 fabulous blogs.  My current obsessions are:

  • LSU Football……Geaux Tigers, enough said!
  • My new embroidery machine…’ll hear more about that soon!
  • The color purple….I like to wear it, decorate with it, paint with it and craft with it!
  • Fleur de lis….both in my decorating and my crafting
  • Anything sparkly…..especially glitter and rhinestones

It’s impossible for me to single out just five blogs, so for a list of blogs that I think are fabulous, just check out my sidebar.


  1. I'm part of the party too. I'm signing up to follow you and hope you come over and do the same.
    Cheri Its Sp Very Cheri

  2. Aw - thanks so much for the post and link and shout out! :) YOU ARE fabulous!

    Thanks for helping out with the scavenger hunt too!

    Can't wait to see your new projects!


  3. Hi! I'm visiting from DIY's scavenger hunt, but I've visited before when you've showcased your various projects on ASTPL etc. and you're always so creative! I liked your punch of pink last time I visited.
    pk @ room remix


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear what you have to say!