Sunday, August 9, 2009

The World’s Longest Yard Sale

Unfortunately I didn’t get to do any thrifty shopping this week; instead I just worked on transforming some of my previous thrifty finds. I wish I were lucky enough to live near the route of the World’s Longest Yard Sale, which was held this past weekend. I don’t think I would have flown out or made a special trip to just attend the event, like this person did last year, but it sure would have been fun to stop by if I lived close by.

Have you visited Susie, Layla or Rhoda today? Be sure and head over there and check out some of their finds from this great sale. Their photos reminded me about the trip my mom and I made to Canton Trade Days earlier this year. Which, in turn reminded me that I never posted photos of any of my finds!

So I do have some thrifty treasures to share after all. Here is a beautiful purple cut glass bowl I got for $6 I think:


Read more about purple glass here and here. Another look at it filled it with roses for a Mother’s Day centerpiece:


I also found this cute little wine glass (or sherry glass?) for 50 cents and couldn’t pass it up since it is etched with our initial, plus I love the little ball stem:


I bought about 6 of these tin ceiling tiles for $1 each, this one I have painted a fleur de lis on and embellished with rhinestones:


Believe me, I bought plenty more stuff, but these were my favorites.

Just for fun, here’s a little something Rhoda and the girls didn’t take home with them, although for the life of me I can’t imagine why!



  1. Oh my goodness! That poor lamp..bless it's heart! Lets just say we had a good laugh~ Nice to meet you!

  2. Love your finds - that owl lamp is soooooooo ugly !

  3. love the purple bowl!
    That lamp.........seriously!?!

  4. I giggle every time I see that lamp!

  5. haha, that lamp is kinda fun though.

  6. Your finds are wonderful. How clever and creative to embellish the ceiling tin with such a pretty design and bling. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  7. Ha-ha!! Glad you got a kick out of those lamps. WE spotted them from the car & had to take a closer look. Too fun! Thanks for playing today, you got some great things!

  8. The more I see those lamps, the more they are growing on me. With some spray paint, they could make a cool funky statement! LOL.

  9. Love those vintage glasses! The owl lamp...not so much!


  10. Fab finds- what, you left the fur shade behind?

  11. The owl lamps are a hoot (I couln't resist). Looks like a chia pet for a lampshade!! I love your tin ceiling tiles and for only $1.00 got a great buy. I really like how you embellished them.

  12. Amazing deal on the ceiling tiles, and I like what you did with that one! Also love the purple glass. I never see anything like that when I'm out garage saling, but if I did, I sure would grab it!

  13. LOL LOL "The Lamps" LOL LOL I would of took them home and revamp them !!!


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