Monday, November 22, 2010

Shoppers, Start Your Engines!

Last year, I wrote a post about Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping.  You can go back and read it HERE.   We may brave the crowds and the early morning cold to snag a few deals this Friday, but I much prefer to shop from the comfort of my couch.  Plus, we give a lot of gift cards so that makes shopping a lot easier.

Are you as excited about Black Friday as the crazy Target lady?

It seems like the sales are starting earlier and earlier every year.  I think Kohl’s opens at 3 a.m. and Toys R Us opens on Thanksgiving night.  I just feel sorry for those folks that have to go in to work and deal with the throngs of frenzied shoppers!

What’s your shopping strategy for getting the best deals? 



  1. well, i try to shop all year long, collecting gifts for people when i see something on clearance or sale, i buy it. this spreads out my christmas gift budget as well, by the time christmas rolls around, it feels like the gift was free. this year i got some half priced halloween petticoats (looked a lot like tu-tus to me) i can just remove the halloween-ish tag and wrap them up for my 2 ballerina neices. I also buy a lot of gift baskets/boxes after christmas to give people throughout the year, like bridal and baby showers, birthdays and houswarming. i have a box of gifts i go shopping in whenever i need something quickly. this year, we are doing goodie bags for the kids who come to our christmas party, and a cookie tray for each family, and not buying individual gifts for everyone.

  2. My husband was telling me about how some of the stores were opening Thanksgiving night. Seriously? Would you really want someone leaving their Thanksgiving celebration to buy you a gift?

    Anyway...I love the Target lady, but I'm with you, I'll participate in Cyber Monday but Friday I'll be at home decorating for the season.

  3. I've been checking out for the sale flyers. My girls age 19 & 23 just want a prepaid gift card.

    Our family usually does a big noon meal - so we often have fit the shops on Thanksgiving evening. One year it was Bass Pro, last year it was Michael's. Dollar General is open all day on Thanksgiving - that's not right. The employees need to be home for most of the day.

  4. I used to be a Black Friday shopper back when the stores opened at 5:00. I consider myself retired now! I'll be at work Friday. Bummer!

  5. I was going to head out for one or two things this year but it was raining and cold and skipped it. And besides they were things for me.


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