Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Catalog Chuckles

Have y’all met “Gary and Elaine” from Catalog Living yet?  If not, do yourself a favor and get a few chuckles on their blog.  Ever look at some of those perfectly staged photos in catalogs and wonder who would live like that??  Well, Gary & Elaine do! 

“Gary never claimed to be much of a cook, and after accidentally adding one tablespoon of good spirits he was pretty sure he’d ruined the day.”

They’ve prepared a very special holiday menu for us over on, check it out!

“Elaine never liked those decorative parrots, and she hoped that placing the cooked turkey near them would drive home the idea that they could be next.

Hope this provides a little comic relief on this hectic holiday! I’m off to start my Thanksgiving casseroles!

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