Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Quick Change

Is anyone else excited about getting back on the trail of Estate sales and garage sales??  It’s been a slow start here so far, but I picked up a couple bargains last week.  I just couldn’t pass up this $4.00 sewing box because my mom has one just one just like it: IMG_0590

A coat of purple spray paint made the plastic fake wood a little more bearable!IMG_0599IMG_0605IMG_0602

I’ve been on the look-out for a container for all my embroidery supplies and threads, and this box was just what I needed! Plus, it was much cheaper than the wooden spool holders and keeps all the thread protected.


It even had the plastic tray that rests on top to hold bobbins, needles and notions!  I covered the inside of the lid with a scrap of tiger fabric to cover the ugly faux velvet that was there.

IMG_0600Now all my supplies are neat and organized in a container of my favorite color!

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  1. Oh my stars, this one made me chuckle - I *love* it!!! Purple is SUCH an unexpected color for a piece like that - its just awesome! Makes me smile every time I see it.... and shouldn't most of our "stuff" be that way?!?! Awesome eye, that color is perfect!

  2. So much style for one little sewing box. How fun is that purple. Now that is a color I haven't tried yet.

  3. Great find! Can't wait for the sales to start up in my area!

  4. I am SO excited for yard sale season... if only it would stop raining :)

  5. Ooh, I love this sewing box. Be blessed. Cindy

  6. What a cool box....and great color choice, too

  7. I am with you on garage and estate sales. Here we have auctions all the time. I am excited for the summer in more ways than one. Love your blog- I'll be following!
    Laura @ Enjoying the Simple things

  8. What a great find! LOVE it purple... thanks for linkin' up at the POPP.

  9. Looks SO pretty! LOVE the purple, looks great! :)


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