Sunday, April 4, 2010

More DIY Textured Art

Last week I shared my tutorials for two different kinds of textured art over at Tatertots and Jello.  I featured one method using joint compound/spackle:



and one method using fabric (burlap):


I’ve got one more method up my sleeve, this one using sandpaper!  Using the same steps as before, I printed out the image I wanted to use and transferred it to the sandpaper.   I used dollar-store sandpaper for this project, but you could spend a little more money and get a better quality and rougher sandpaper for the most texture.IMG_0492 IMG_0495 Then I cut out the shapes and glued them onto my pre-painted canvas.IMG_0496 IMG_0497

Next, I painted over the sandpaper, not necessarily staying “in the lines”! IMG_0498

An alternative method which I also experimented with is to spray-paint the sandpaper first, then cut out your shape and glue it on.  This way more of the sand texture stays put. IMG_0500IMG_0499

My final step was to cover the canvas with two coats of modge podge in a circular motion to create even more texture.  Gently press down any areas that did not adhere previously.IMG_0516IMG_0518IMG_0538 The finished products:

IMG_0572      IMG_0533 IMG_0537 

I’ve got another idea I’m working on using the spray-paint method and a pug silhouette! 

Sharing this week’s project with the following parties:

  ITS-SO-VERY-CREATIVE-BUTTON  makemonday1 DIY Blog buttonTGC_linkypartyMondayCuterkimbaDIY125 luckystarlane getYourCraftOnResizedj-a-girl.blogspot

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  1. soooo cute! I want to be from NOLA just so I can claim the Fleur De Lis as my own! :)
    Inspiring projects...

  2. I loved it! Thanks for sharing!
    I have a great interview with a savvy blogger on my blog right now with great tips on how to help your blog grow.
    Come check it out
    Also a giveaway for a Trendy Diaper Changing Pad if your interested :-)

  3. That looks great! I actually just bought some Dollar Store sandpaper for another project and I have some leftover. :)

  4. I love how they are in the last picture next to the candle, it's like a castle's decor ;)

  5. I love the use of the sandpaper. Great idea.
    504 Main

  6. I just love your Fleur de Lis! Great techniques too. I must try this!


  7. Cute! I love fleur-de-lis :)

    Thanks for linking at Lucky Star Lane!

  8. I love that!!! Thanks for linking up!! We have featured you so come grab our featured button!!

  9. Awesome, I love the fleur de lis!

  10. Saw you on JaG. Love this!
    I'll be back to check out your clever-ness.
    Laura @ Enjoying the simple things

  11. Ooh-la-la!! Love it. :)



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