Thursday, March 18, 2010

Taste the Rainbow…Appliquéd Fleur De Lis T-Shirts

I finally got around to embellishing some of those t-shirts I bought at Target last month.  I am all about doing appliqués with my embroidery machine now! They are so fun albeit a little time-consuming.  If you don’t have an embroidery machine, you can do them with some heat-n-bond and hand or machine stitch around the edges.

Anyway….here’s how mine turned out:




Did you notice the hair flowers I made to match?  They are so cute! I’ll show you those in another post next week, but here’s a peek:

IMG_0364I even did a t-shirt for the boys, since I figured that the t-shirts with the pockets were for boys.  Isn’t Mr. Al E. Gator cute?!?


I put the appliqué at the bottom to one side so it kind of looks like he’s walking off the shirt.  And mainly because the pocket was in the way of the center of the shirt!

IMG_0373 IMG_0375 

Ok, here’s one more that I embellished, but I’m not too sure about it yet.  Do you like the ruffle ribbon or should I just keep doing the appliqués?


I think the ribbon is cute, but it was a little difficult to work with since it is actually elasticized.


All of these won’t be going in to my Etsy shop, instead I’ll be taking them to Lil’ Miss Priss Boutique here in Shreveport.  If you are local, be sure and stop by Lil’ Miss Priss on Saturday for her 3rd anniversary Re-Grand Opening Celebration!!  You can also find my tu-tu onesies there.             

I’ll be linking to some fun parties today, be sure and check out what everyone else has been up to!

catcraft  Get-Inspired-Button Favorite Things Friday_25


  1. Those look great, Christy! You know I love a fleur de lys design!

  2. I love the fleur de lis, your appliques are so much neater than mine. I want an embroidery machine! (I'm pouting now, by the way.) I tried to do the satin stitch on my machine around a circle last night and it looked HORRIBLE! I had to rip it all out and use a straight stitch around the edge.

    As far as the ruffle goes...honestly? No. It's just sort of apropos of nothing. If it went around the neckline or related to something on the shirt it would be better but as it is right now it just looks weird. Sorry if I'm blunt but I wanted to be honest. :)

  3. Look at you! How great are your designs?? Truly awesome!! I am so happy I dropped in, I am a new blogger and fascinated with the entire thing!

    Nancy's Notes

  4. Those are fantastic - I especially love the fleur de lys, I fell in love with those while getting ready for a show in New Orleans in 2009 and working on a project for Canal Street in 2006...

    Need more of them at home. Adding them to my to do list!!!

  5. Go figure, I love the simplest ones. Love the ruffles!!

  6. Love the shirts and bows!! I'm going to have to check out that boutique!

  7. Look at all of your projects! They are all so cute. I love those alligators - reminds me of jr. high - I wanted an alligator shirt so bad!


  8. LOVE is all I can say. I love, love, love these! Wow!

  9. So cute! I love all of your t-shirts! Thanks for stopping by my blog, too, and for your sweet comment.


  10. Oh cute! And I just happen to have two of those fabric you used in my stash! (from Hobby Lobby) Those are cool appliques. I haven't gotten the hang of appliques on the emrboidery machine yet, but I like the possibilities here. Very sweet.

  11. I love these! They are so cute. I like the ribbon embellishment. It's whimsical and sweet!

  12. Those alligator shirts are way too cute! This almost makes me want to get an embroidery machine. I'll be featuring these as one of my favs! Thanks for doing my link party!

  13. Those shirts are so cute! I really like the alligator! I have an embroidery machine, but I still haven't figured out how to do appliques with it! Maybe I should google it!?!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear what you have to say!