Thursday, February 4, 2010

Giveaway: MopTopMaven

anniversaryIf you have a little girl, or know someone who does, you are going to love today’s GIVEAWAY, sponsored by MopTopMaven, another one of my KNETteam members!

Today’s winner will receive  a set of Dainty Rose Woven Ribbon Snap Clips from MopTopMaven. Willow green and amethyst purple ribbons are woven together with white ribbon rose embellishments accenting this set. Wearable for both every day and special occasions. Snap clips are approximately 2" length. Clip color is brown. Ribbon rose embellishment approximately 1" length total (leaf tip to leaf tip).
rose a
Plus, MopTopMaven is also offering my readers a FREE set of Tattoo Clippies with any $10+ purchase! Crafted using a slightly wider ribbon than traditional clippies, this design is a little bit punk and a whole lot cute!  Must use code EmbellishedBayou in notes to seller.  Offer valid thru 2/7/10.
moptopmavenclips 144
So let’s find out a little bit about today’s sponsor!  As always, click on the photos for more info about the product.
Melanie is the designer and creator behind MopTopMaven, your source for marvelous handcrafted hair accessories. As a little girl, Melanie's mother embellished barrettes for her to wear to match her outfits. When Melanie became a mother of a little girl, she too wanted her daughter to enjoy such creations, and so she started collecting ribbons and embellishments and the collection became overwhelming! Melanie's own little moptop became the inspiration for her shop.
moptopmavenclip 006MopTopMaven's most unique pieces are the woven ribbon snap clips, modeled on the braided barrettes she sported in the 80's. She enjoys designing clippies using little bows and embellishments. moptopmavencupcake gAnd she was challenged by the women purchasing her items to create something they could wear too - and their inspired button snap clips have been a very popular choice.  moptopmavenclips 072 Some of Melanie's favorite items have been from custom orders for a special accessory for a birthday girl, party favors and back-to-school outfits. Look for headbands debuting soon!
moptopmaventinkerbell 007 Visit MopTopMaven on Etsy, on Facebook, and on Twitter!
To enter the giveaway, the usual rules apply. You may do ANY or ALL of the following to enter AND you MUST leave a SEPARATE COMMENT for each entry:

  • Visit MopTopMaven and leave a comment sharing your favorite product.

  • Become a follower of my blog, follow me on Twitter (leave your Twitter name), or become a fan on Facebook (1 entry for any of these).

  • Tweet, blog or Facebook post about this giveaway linking back to this post.  Leave a link to your post in the comments.
That’s THREE ways to enter!! You do not have to have a blog to enter, but if you leave an anonymous or blog-less comment, please leave an email address where I can contact you.  This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and will close on Monday, February 8 at 9:00 AM CST.

Come back tomorrow for another fabulous prize, and check out yesterday’s giveaway that is still open!  Also, for more awesome giveaways, head over the the Knetteam blog.


  1. Love the Burberry inspired clippies!

  2. Love the little cupcake clips. Now if I could only keep the bitty one from hacking off her hair....

  3. I love the cupcakes and the character bows!!!! So Cute! I am also a follower!

  4. definitely love the burberry inspired flowers! too cute, my bff's daughter would look great in these clips! (she's kind of a bow/clip fanatic)

  5. I love everything but the character bows are my favorite!

  6. I love all of MopTop Mavens clips, but my favorites ones are the Fabric Covered Button Snap Clips!!

  7. My favorite is Wild One Woven Ribbon Snap Clip!

  8. I love the black and white embellished snap clips-I'm not sure that I'd give them to a kid, though-I'd totally wear these!

  9. My favorite would be the You Pick 2 Button Snap Clips.

  10. Twitter Follower

  11. Tweeted:

  12. I like the Wild One Woven Ribbon Snap Clip at MopTopMaven!

  13. I linked on my Treasures for Tots Facebook Fan page!

  14. I'm late! I shared your celebration with my readers today. I hope that "better late than never" holds true. ;)

    I'd choose fantastic flower - great Valentine gift for my little niece. :)


  15. the character bows are too cute, I love them.

  16. I like the Purple Sequin Butterfly Clippies

  17. I love the Tink bow. It is so cute.
