Friday, February 5, 2010

Blog Anniversary Week: Favorite Partner in Crime

anniversaryI would be remiss in my celebrating if I neglected to mention one of my favorite things to feature on this blog…….

You know her well.


The pug.

I’ve pictured her here numerous times before in the dressesoutfits, and costumes I’ve made for her.  Just do a search for “Gidget” or “Pug” over there <---------- in the side bar if you want to see more.  I’ve even showed off her tricks like the proud momma I am! 

I haven’t shared her newest accessories yet.  She got a purple sweatshirt for Christmas and I embroidered a “G” on the back in a cute doggy font:IMG_3881It’s great for her daily activities, such as watching for the mailman, relaxing, and just generally being cute.IMG_0001


Rockin’ the hoodie (and yes, I’m married to a 12 year old):IMG_3854

And of course I had to make her a Saints scarf a couple weeks ago before the NFC Championship game.  I’ll be sharing more on that in a later post.  And if anyone from the NFL is reading this, please don’t sue me, I found the fleur de lis and font on the internet for free and this is for my own personal use only!


IMG_0159 Go Saints, Beat Indy!! WHO DAT!!

Today is the last day for GIVEAWAYS, be sure and get your entries in for today’s and the one from yesterday that is still open.  I will announce all the winners on Monday.  Thanks to all who have participated in my ONE YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY celebration!


  1. Omigosh, that Saints scarf is AWESOME!!! hahaha, I love it!

  2. She is so darn special:)

    Maybe I should start dressing Murphy up? He is already a momma's boy, a tutu isn't really going to hurt his self esteem much!

  3. I love your little Pug! I have a Pug as well and he isn't as willing to wear the outfits at all! Very fun blog with a lot of really fun ideas! Thank you for sharing! =O)


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