Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Honestly, I’m Honored

Gwen at Murphy Grace Home was kind enough to recognize my blog with the “Honest Scrap” Award and I’m happy to accept!


First you must tell your readers five things about yourself that they may not already know, but are true.

Second you must tag ten people with the award.

Third, you must let the people know you have given them this award.

And finally, link back to the person who gave the award to you.

Since I haven’t done one of these “things about yourself” posts before, I decided it would be fun to join in. So here are five random facts about me:

1. There are currently over 30 tigers residing in our office. From the stuffed to resin variety, I’ve got them all. And trust me, it doesn’t look tacky, I’ve got them all arranged very artfully and tastefully!

2. I sing songs to my pug, Gidget, almost every day. She likes the ones I make up the best, but lately I’ve taken to singing her Michael Jackson tunes (my fave - “I Just Can’t Stop Lovin’ You”).

I Just Cant Stop Loving You - Michael Jackson

3. I am deathly afraid of wasps. I’ve gone through at least 5 cans of wasp spray so far this summer. I don’t know if I’m allergic or not, I just don’t want to get stung!

4. I go to Estate Sales just as much to look at the houses as to try to find great vintage bargains. Sometimes I make up stories about the people who used to live there. (I never want to think the person died, so mostly I tell myself they are in some posh “retirement” community somewhere!)

5. I have two tattoos. And yes, they hurt. A lot. I won’t tell you what they are or where they are, but they are both purple and one matches one of my husband’s tattoos (he has four). Well, if you read this post, you probably know what one of them is.

Rather than tag 10 people with the award, I’m just going to recommend 5 blogs that I follow (a couple of which represent some of the 5 facts above). That way they can either play along or just bask in the adornment of me and my fellow readers!

1. Purple Punch – This blog features a new purple item daily (goes great with my tiger/LSU obsession!) Check out their sister blogs if purple isn’t your color, there’s even one for animal prints!

2. Merrylog – Get your daily dose of one of the cutest pugs in cyberspace!

3. Enchantresses Three – These ladies help me forget all about my wasp invaders by enchanting me with their terrific decorating tips and ideas.

4. Life In the Fun Lane – I’m a new follower Holly’s blog; I love her shabby chic style and transformation of thrift store finds.

5. Fleur de.lir.i.ous – This retail blog will help you get your fleur de lis fashion fix!


  1. Congratulations!
    Tigers in your office sound like a lot of fun.

  2. Hey there, you deserve it. I haven't been to any of the sites you listed, so I am off to visit!

  3. Congrats on the award and thanks for leaving me a comment so I can discover all the gems that your lovely blog holds! I am definitely a new fan, and pretty much immediately gravitate towards other creative, awesome ladies so you may just have a stalker on your hands now.

    Thanks again~

  4. What a fun blog!!!!!!! Thanks for linking us!


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