Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Baby Boy Mesh Wreath

As you probably noticed, poly-mesh wreaths are one of the popular new trends in wreath-making lately.  I had been dying to make one, and I finally got the perfect opportunity for my friend’s newest addition, a baby boy. 

There are lots of tutorials and YouTube videos on how to make these, so I won’t bore you with a step-by-step on how I made it, but I will share a few details.  I purchased a work wreath form like this one:

from Mardi Gras Outlet online and purchased the mesh rolls at Hobby Lobby.  I used two rolls for this wreath.


I went around the wreath once with white and blue mesh layered together and then around once more with just the blue.  So I have about half a roll of white leftover.   I also wove in some coordinating ribbon to give it more color.  The whole project really was quick and easy.  You can fluff and re-arrange as much as you need to. 


I painted this 5x7 canvas with the baby’s name (blurred for privacy) and stats and tied it on with some cute ribbon.


I found this little wooden alligator already painted at Hobby Lobby and just added his initials.

This was the perfect addition to the hospital door when he was born, and then can be displayed either in the baby’s room or on the front door when he gets home! 

I will definitely make another one of these to keep for myself for another occasion.  I really love how they can be customized to any occasion and they really make a bold statement. The possibilities are endless!

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  1. So cute! Wish I would have seen this sooner! I am in the process of planning a baby shower for a friend who is having a girl. I wanted to make a wreath to put on the front door for the shower and then she could take it as a gift to use at the hospital or however she wanted. I had a friend do that for me and thought it was a great idea! I get scared/overwhelmed with the mesh stuff so I just went with a ribbon and tulle wreath so its supper girly.

  2. That colored mesh makes such great crafting material! So cute, too, how you found that wooden accent to personalize this wreath. :-)


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