Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Southern Living’s Southern Football Traditions

I came across Southern Living’s Southern Football Traditions while searching for the 10 Commandments of College Football Fandom the other day.  I was proud to see Mike the Tiger as one of the mentioned traditions.

LSU’s Maned Mascot

Photo: Courtesy Jim Zietz/Louisiana State University , Article: Austin Murphy

There’s a few other traditions I would love to experience in person someday, like Tennessee’s Vol Navy.

Tennessee’s Vol Navy

Photo: Courtesy University of Tennessee , Article: Austin Murphy

This reminds me of a blog I came across last year, Taylor Takes a Taste. This lucky guy did a tailgating tour across the nation last year which brought him to 14 games in 14 weeks.  Of course LSU was on his route.

I recommend checking out his other blog, Taylor Tailgates for an interesting peek at all things college football and tailgating, including tips on where to tailgate, what to wear, and what to eat.  It will be interesting to see what kind of tailgating goes on this weekend in Dallas at Cowboys Stadium for the LSU/Oregon game.  You know the Tigers will bring their OWN party no matter where the game is taking place!

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