Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cute As a Bug

I don’t normally decorate much for Valentine’s Day, or make any Valentine’s Day crafts, but when I saw the free download on the DIY Dish Facebook page, I knew it was something I had to try.

This cute little “luv bug” can be made with either a sewing machine or an embroidery machine.  I had never tried any in-the-hoop designs with my embroidery machine, and this was a great one to start with.  It stitched out quickly and the included directions were easy to follow.  Here’s how mine turned out:
I didn’t have any yarn, so I just used ribbon for the legs, which was just fine.
So cute, right? I thought these would be a fun little “happy” for the little girls in my life on Valentine’s Day.
Head over to the DIY Dish Facebook page and you can get this free download for yourself in time to whip up a few for Monday.  Just click on the “Exclusive” tab after you “Like” the page.  While you’re at it, be sure and check out the new look of my Embellished Bayou Fan Page, where you can get updates on new products, specials, and discounts!
Sharing today’s posts with the following parties:
 Favorite Things Friday_25show and share day
Weekend Bloggy ReadingweekendwrapupBubbly Nature


  1. ahahaha that little bug is so stinkin cute! LOVE it!

  2. Oh, Christy, that is precious!!! I can see him turning into something similar to the Elf on the Shelf. My girls would love that. :) Thanks so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :)

  3. we call my daughter love bug... this is so sweet! what a great idea! please come link this to our party over here:

    Have a great weekend!

  4. visiting here from Momma D's blog...had to stop by and say Hi. we are both from Louisiana and both huge LSU fans. GEAUX TIGERS!!! AND i have a pug too!! i am your newest follower...stop by my blog when you get a chance!

  5. How cute and how fun! Thanks for the tutorial!

    Visiting from Amanda's party,

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy


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