Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wind Chimes From Found Items

I found a few more photos on my phone from my trip to New Orleans last month.  I snapped these in an antique store on Magazine St.

It’s kind of hard to tell, but these are wind chimes made from found items like old keys, silverware, and various other kitchen tools.

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What a great idea to re-purpose all those mis-matched flea market finds and random useless keys you find in a drawer!  This would be a fun project to do with kids as well.  Sharing with Transformation Thursday and House of Hepworths.


  1. What a great way to recycle small items! It would be a great way to showcase old baby spoons or unique skeleton keys that you may have.

  2. I LOVE the one with the keys!!! Too cool. :) Thanks for the visit today! I hope you might stop by and link up with the Weekend Bloggy Reading party tomorrow! :)


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