Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fresh Home Magazine

I just got a flyer in the mail about a new magazine from the publishers of Reader’s Digest and The Family Handyman.  It’s called “Fresh Home”.  Well, I say new, but apparently it’s been around for a while and I’ve just been living under a rock!  Anyway, it’s being billed as “easy ideas for hands-on people”. 

In every issue you'll find easy and practical ideas for home design that reflects your personal style.  And, they feature tips, photos, ideas, and projects submitted by ordinary people like you and me!

Here’s an informative interview with the magazine’s editor from last year. 

And here’s another link to the press release of the magazine launch in 2009.


After the end of Domino, Budget Living, and Blueprint, I can’t help but wonder how long this magazine will last.  I have really dropped most of my magazine subscriptions, relying mainly on the internet for most of my design/organizing/decorating inspiration.  

Even though an annual subscription is just $10 right now, if you read the fine print you find out that the magazine is only published 4 times a year! I was ready to send in my $10 until I saw that.  I think I’ll just stick to my free Lowe’s Creative Ideas magazine for now!  Perhaps if they get enough interest and subscribers they will increase publication to monthly issues. 

So what do you think, are you interested in this magazine or will you stick to the internet for inspiration and how-tos?


  1. I so agree! I miss all my magazines that were cancelled. Mostly Mary Englebriet and Domino. hope this one survives- it looks nice


  2. I love Fresh Home. It's been a good one so far. I do like the internet magazines as well but I still have subscriptions to some old faves like Country Living and BH. I miss Cottage Living and Domino still.

  3. I think I will keep my Lowe's Creative ideas. I don't want to fall in love with another one just to have it cancelled again.

  4. i follow another blogger who was featured on their website awhile back. i had never heard of them, but i havent been into the home decor and organization stuff for a while, since we lived with my husbands parents for 8 months.
    she talks about this blog on her post


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