Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Garden Party

How about a stroll through the garden to see how everything is growing?  First stop, a quick transformation.  I’ve had these purple glass candle holders hanging in my flower beds since our wedding six years ago, and they were looking a little worse for wear:IMG_0777

Spray paint to the rescue! Yep, I just spray painted right onto the glass.  I didn’t prime or anything since they would just be hanging in the garden and wouldn’t be getting handled much.


IMG_0779 Next stop, my favorite of favorites, my lovely hydrangeas.  These lacecaps don’t last very long, but when they’re blooming they are so pretty.


The others are bursting with blooms.  I’m so glad the previous owner planted these in the backyard where I can enjoy them!


I’m experimenting with this bush, adding a little aluminum to the soil every year to get purple blooms:


I’ve gotten some interesting results this year….


I love hydrangeas because not only are they beautiful, but they are easy to care for.  I just have to make sure they get enough water every day.  Plus, the blooms last a long time and are perfect for vases inside.



My containers are growing nicely, too.  I love these yellow petunias I planted this year:

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Potato vine, jasmine, geraniums, and my little strawberry pot with herbs are all chugging along:


Moving on to the front yard.  These bulbs are in the front garden, and I have no idea what they are.  The previous owner planted them, and they bloom more and more each year:


Anyone know what they are?  Firecracker something?IMG_1138

My daylilies are beginning to open up as well.  These are also great because of the low maintenance and beautiful variety.  I have peach, purple, yellow, orange, red, and maroon.IMG_1139 IMG_1140

I bought this ornamental pepper plant a few weeks ago, I had to have it because of the cute little purple peppers! IMG_1142

Along the side of the house, the sunflowers I planted from seeds are growing but haven’t bloomed yet: IMG_1143

The canna lillies are more than making up for the sunflower’s shortcomings, though: IMG_1144 IMG_1145 IMG_1146I hope you enjoyed the tour! Gardening has been something I’ve really come to enjoy, although I am by no means an expert.  I just like to stick stuff in the ground and see if it will grow!

I’ll be linking up to Tuesday Garden Party, Outdoor Wednesday, Transformation Thursday, and the Garden Party at Southern Fried Dreams on Thursday.


  1. Hi Christy! I enjoyed the garden tour this morning, your flowers are beautiful! You are so clever, love the look of your painted glass holders, great job!


  2. You do a great job with gardening! Your flowers are very pretty!


  3. I'm like you, no expert but I love when everything starts blooming! I planted a Hydrangea in a pot for the first time this year. So far so good. I've seen those little flowers that you don't know what they are before but I don't remember the name. You should cut one & bring it to a nursery.

  4. Your hydrangeas are so beautiful! I'm so jealous. Mine are just starting to bloom, I just planted them this spring so they're still young plants.

  5. Christy your flowers are amazing!! I'm so jealous of your garden!

  6. Beautiful garden! And I love the color you painted onto the candle holders.

  7. You hydrangeas are beautiful! Mine haven't opened yet. And I LOVE different varieties of Day Lilies. We have a place closes that sells 300 different type. I have 8 now. I'll have to remember to post them as they bloom. Oh did you know tat day lilies pedals are eatable? They are great in salads.

  8. Your garden is really beautiful, you have a real variety of plants in it. I also enjoy gardening, I'm no expert, but I gain a lot of joy from it.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  9. Thanks for sharing your garden! Your hydrangeas are absolutely breathtaking! Wish the climate agreed with them here.

  10. Loved the tour- I see you're linking up to a couple of parties- if you're interested in linking to another, I host one at called the Tuesday Garden Party. We'd love to see your beautiful garden there!

  11. your hydrangeas are beautiful! so interesting about adding aluminum. huh! i followed you here from "an oregon cottage"... i wrote about deadheading flowers on my blog today, and i'd love if you could pop by and share your perspective on the topic. ~ana

  12. Your garden is looking lovely. I have been very tardy in getting my garden tidied up, LOL! What a crawling baby will do to your schedule. Thank you for posting the pics of your flowers.

    Kimberlee, from

  13. What a really great idea. And oh my your flowers are to DIE for!


  14. Your flowers are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Beautiful Christy! Those hydrangeas are fantastic! Thanks for the tour!

  16. Oooh I love the hydrangeas!! I don't see pink ones a lot, but those are so pretty! I have lots of canna lillies in my yard too and love them! Thanks for sharing! *Visiting from Tuesday Garden Party* Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. :)

  17. Your garden tour is wonderful. I love hydrangeas, too. Can you believe I don't have a single one? I'm chicken. You say they are easy so maybe I'll give one a try this year.

    All you containers are lovely, too. I like the way you grouped them - perfection!

    Thanks for linking up! Have a blessed week!

  18. beautiful flowers, looks like you're getting great result wiht your Hydrangeas, & the painted glasses are just too cute!


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