Thursday, April 29, 2010

Summer Wreath/Door Decor

My mom just put together a new basket for her back door, and I just had to share it!


She’ll be able to use this “Welcome” basket throughout the year and just change out the flowers and accents.  This arrangement will carry on through until fall.

0427101244-01I just love the butterflies and flowers trailing down!0427101243-01I found the cute little moss-covered mushroom while out shopping at a local garden center and knew she would be able to use it somehow.  It ended up matching the butterfly perfectly!


What do you have on your door for spring/summer?  I’d love to see, email me at and I’ll feature you!

If your door is in need of a little welcoming cheer, check out my Welcome signs, they’re the perfect addition to a wreath, or cute just hanging on their own! 

IMG_0310   IMG_0309

Take advantage of my April special and save 10% on your order through the end of the month.  Plus, FREE SHIPPING for Louisiana residents!


  1. The basket looks wonderful. So bright and cheerful. Hugs, Marty

  2. Your mom did a great job! Love the moss butterfly.

  3. The welcome basket is so pretty! I will have to make one for our door! And I love your welcome signs, too! Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments! Have a great day!

  4. Congrats!!!!.....You won one of my jewelry sets....I have sent you an e-mail with the info....

  5. There is no doubt where you get your wonderful creativity from! Beautiful!


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