Sunday, March 14, 2010

Painting With a Twist

Thanks, everyone for all the birthday wishes! I had a great weekend and got lots of great presents.  Friday night my best friend had a special activity planned….we went to a new place called “Painting With a Twist”.  You may also know it as Corks and Canvases or Cocktails and Canvases.  This place has only been open for a week or two in my town, and I didn’t even realize it existed, so it was a great surprise!

Here is the painting we were going to create:

And here’s how mine turned out:


So we started out with a blank canvas and of course our bottle of wine:

canvas The instructor guided us through the process.  There was fun music playing in the background and wine, beer, and soft drinks available for purchase.  Some people even brought snacks like cheese, apple slices, and brownies.IMG_0319  IMG_0323

At this point, it’s a good idea NOT to drop your cell phone in the paint!


Making progress…. IMG_0324 IMG_0326 IMG_0327 

And here we are with our finished paintings:


It was a really cool experience, if there is something like this where you live, I highly recommend it! I plan on going again with my mom.  It was so neat to see how everyone’s paintings turned out a little differently.  And the best part is, a few hours and a bottle of wine later, you end up with your very own artwork to display proudly!


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  1. What a super cool idea!! I agree with you - seeing everybody's little differences are completely interesting and unique!

  2. How fun! I think your painting is great! Lezlee

  3. Christy, What in the country doesn't give us access to such fun places and to have to dirve to Houston or Dallas. 100+ miles one way, takes away all the fun. I am glad you had a great birthday.


  4. What a great time that must have been! I will have to see if we have anyplace like this near me. :)

  5. My mom and I went to one of those and painted a NOLA house. LOVED it! :)

  6. That's a neat idea! Your painting turned out great! I would imagine everyone's paintings could look different depending on how much wine you had! ; )

  7. Your painting turned out well. That is a great idea for a night out with the girls. I haven't seen anything like that here but I may need to search more. We have a paint your own pottery place that is fun for a group. They do birthday parties and any group. But a painting would be fun to bring home!

  8. Wow, making an actual painting that is good enough to show the world! Good on you. I could never do something like that.

  9. turned out great! better than anything I could do~

  10. Ok..I saw this place just opened and I have been wanting to go so bad! I can't wait to try it out! Your painting turned out great! I hope to try it out soon. Sounds like it would be a great girls night activity!

  11. Such a neat place! Your paiting looks adorable!

  12. This is just such a fun, fun, fun idea! I have never heard of it. I would love to paint a picture! Thanks for posting this creative new activity. I'll look for one close to here.
    YOur picture is wonderful! You are pretty artistic!

  13. ok - so I'm late catching up and missed your birthday! Shoot! Happy belated birthday!!! I have never heard of such a place! What a FUN time! Your painting looks awesome! Mine would look like a 5 year old did it or like I drank too much wine. lol


  14. You did a great job on the painting! It looks almost the same with the painting you are supposed to paint but you add a little personal touch to it! I am wondering what happened to your cellphone.

  15. I am so awful. Happy Belated Birthday!

    Like your painting and the whole activity looks like fun. I would much rather do a painting than pottery!

  16. Canvas painting terrifies me and I don't know why! I can paint ceilings 20 feet in the air, but am terrified by canvas!!!!!

    Great job on that! What a fun deal!

    Stop by my painting blog and say hello sometime!

  17. Where are you going to display your artwork in your home? Or is it a gift?

    Great to see a new idea!

  18. What a fun thing to do. I love it! Dropping your cell in the paint sounds like something I would do...although it's been dropped in much worse unfortuneately! Happy Belated BDay!

  19. How cute! And I would have definitely dropped my phone in the paint too. :) Passed through from power of paint this morning. So glad i did ...great job!

  20. What a fun idea. I'm pretty sure we don't have anything like this but I could make my own event with my artsy fartsy friends. :0
    Pam # Becolorful

  21. what a fun thing to do! I wish we had on in my town! Your painted turned out great! : )

  22. Wat a cool and fun thing to do with friends. I have read about a place like that in Tuscaloosa,Alabama, not far from where I live. Hmmmm....

  23. That's the coolest thing! They turned out great, and it must have been so much fun! :)


  24. That looks like a lot of fun! And its always so cool when people put their own artwork in their home! Come stop by my Favorite Things Friday Party if you would like to join in!

  25. What a COOL place! You did a great copy job too. Thanks for sharing it at the Power of Paint Party (POPP).

  26. Nice job!

    Your poor phone, though. :( I hope it still works for you!

  27. OH man... I wish we had one of those! Sounds great... except you'd need a designated driver. LOL!

  28. I love it. I wish we had something like that here. would be a fun evening.

  29. Wow! Such pretty gifts! I love the idea of adding the cotton...unique! Thanks so much for sharing! Hugs...Debbie


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