Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Bloggy Awards

I received a couple blog awards from fellow bloggers in the past few weeks and I’m just now getting around to recognizing them!

Monica from Monica Wants It! tagged me with the Beautiful Blogger Award.  Monica was probably one of my first “bloggy” friends and I really enjoy her dry humor and damask obsession.  She’s currently going through somewhat of a quarter-life crisis right now, so go on over and give her some love!  You can find her on Twitter, Etsy, Facebook and her blog.

Here are the rules for the Beautiful Blogger Award:

~Thank the person who gave you the award. ( THANKS MONICA!)

~Paste the award on your blog.

~Link back to the person who gave you the award.

~Share seven interesting things about yourself.

~Nominate up to 7 more beautiful bloggers.

~Link the bloggers you nominate.

Denise from Extreme Personal Measures tagged me with the Sunshine Award.  I’ve recently discovered Denise’s blog, I have to admit I was instantly attracted to it because she has fleur de lis in her header!  She’s a lady after my own heart with all her creative crafty and thrifty features. 

The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspires others in the blog world.

The rules for accepting these award:

~Put the logo on your blog or within your post.

~Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.

~Link the nominees within your post.

~Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

~Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Well, I’m not much for following the rules with these sort of things; if you want to know some interesting things about me, click HERE.  And as far as nominating other bloggers, it’s impossible for me to pick from my huge list of favorites! Have you seen that list over there?!? It’s huge!  Go visit some, you’ll see what I spend way too much time every day reading blogs!

Well, thank you ladies for the recognition, and thanks everyone else for letting me toot my own horn!


  1. Awww...This is so nice. It's just like spreading love and appreciation by giving awards. This is really exciting.

  2. congrats on your two well deserved awards. what an honor!

    again congrats...


  3. Congrats on your awards! I love the idea of spreading the love to other bloggers. It's very inspiring!


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