Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Master Fabricator

Unlike me, my husband doesn’t craft, he “fabricates”.  Yesterday you saw the laundry room drying rack he made for me.  That’s not the only thing he’s been working on….here’s a short video of his latest project:


That’s right, folks, he’s riding a cooler! This has been his pet project for the past few weeks.  The one in the video is actually version 2.0.  We are SO ready for Mardi Gras!

Speaking of Mardi Gras, next week will be all about letting the good times roll here on Embellished Bayou.  I’ll be having a whole week full of Mardi Gras posts, from parade photos and history to crafts and decor.  If you decorate for or celebrate Mardi Gras, be sure and have some posts of your own ready because I’ll have Mr. Linky up at some point.


  1. I can't wait for those posts! I've never been but its all so colorful and cool.

    Also - your husband should follow pizza delivery men and offer to sell beer to their customers. There has to be a market for home delivery of beer LOL

  2. If my husband saw this he would be off "fabricating too". A manly word to disguise that they are just as crafty as we are. I can't wait to see your Mardi Gras stuff. I am going to make it down there one day even if its not on Mardi Gras I want to visit New Orleans!

  3. That is so cool, I want a ride! Boys are silly aren't they?

    I really wish that I had taken pictures of the girl's Christmas decorations. They do it all up in Mardi Gras style with masks, beads and the lot.

    Excited to see what ya do.

  4. That is so much fun!! Boys and their toys.

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