Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree….

Hubby and I made a trip to Lowe’s last night, and this little cutie came home with us:

IMG_3414 We have a larger artificial tree that we put up, but I love real trees, too, so I got this little tabletop one to put in the dining room.  I had one year before last, and I decorated it with all my LSU ornaments, so I think I’ll do that again this year.  It’s just out of the netting, so the branches still have to fall out a little. 

Speaking of Christmas trees, I read some interesting facts in the December issue of “Oprah” magazine and thought I would share them with you.

28.2 Million:  The number of real Christmas trees sold in the U.S. in 2008.

5.8: Pounds of pesticides sprayed on an acre of Christmas trees each year in North Carolina.  To find sellers of organic, pesticide-free trees near you, go to and click on Organic Christmas Tree Farms.

1 ton: Estimated amount of carbon the average conifer tree can absorb over 60 years.  Cities where you can “rent” a tree that will be replanted for you after the holidays include Portland, Oregon (, San Diego ( and San Francisco (

4,000: Approximate number of tree recycling centers nationwide.  Go to to find out where your tree can be turned into compost or wood chips (for gardening, mulch, or use on playgrounds and hiking trails).

8.9 Million: Number of artificial trees imported to the U.S. in 2008 (most of them from China).

7.3: Pounds of plastic - mostly polyvinyl chloride (PVC) -contained in a typical artificial tree.

20: Number of years a consumer must reuse an artificial tree before it has a lower carbon footprint than a real tree, according to one study.

600,000: Approximate number of U.S. homes that could be powered for an entire year with the energy used by decorative lights every holiday season.  Switch from incandescent light to longer-lasting LEDs and you’ll use about 90 percent less energy per string.  To recycle your old incandescents, go to

Wow, that really puts a new perspective on holiday decorating, doesn’t it?? I guess I am a multiple offender since I will have both a real tree and an artificial tree this year! Which do you prefer?


I am working on a REALLY exciting (BIG!!!) giveaway for all my readers, coming up soon! So stay tuned, you’re gonna love this one!


  1. Fun post! I switched to led's but I'm having a hard time adjusting to the new look. I like the look of the old lights!

  2. Last night, I saw little ones like this and even smaller at my supermarket! I'd never seen them carry them before, but how cute they would be for a small area.

  3. I've always liked having a little themed tree in my house! I'm sure your LSU tree will be very festive!

  4. The little tree will be cute even with LSU ornaments on it. My parents got a small one for my first Christmas and put it on the dining room table.
    Our neighbors in Virginia planted thier first Christmas tree in the front yard when the holiday was over.

  5. LSU will be much better than my school colors. Go Cal Poly Mustangs in your green selves!

    we will have a fake tree if someone ever gets it out of storage. My allergies and basic hatred of cleaning make live ones a no no.

  6. Is it weird that it never occured to me to get a real "small" tree?? Such a good idea to bring in the wonderful smell of a real tree!!


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