Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Throwback Thursday: Decorating Mistakes

Yay! Party Day is here! I hope I have at least a few participants, but if not at least you can enjoy my entries!

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I’m sure I’m not the only one who has made some questionable decisions in her decorating….in fact I know I’m not the only one because the first few photos I’ll share are from my mom’s house! Let’s venture back to the nineties, shall we, when mauve and baby blue were all the rage and sponge painting was in its heyday!

Exhibit A, my mom’s den:

10-21-2009 11;10;03AM Yes, those are our glamour shots adorning the pink and blue sponge painted walls! What was she thinking?

She was quite fond of floral fabrics, as witnessed by the curtains in the dining room:

10-21-2009 11;11;19AM That’s a lot of brass and crystal goin’ on too! Here’s more in the living room:10-21-2009 11;32;11AM

Gotta love the blue carpet!  Recognize that chair?  10-21-2009 11;30;01AMHere’s how it looks now: DSC01615

Now let’s move forward a few years to my first apartment in  college.  My roommate and I were so proud of our mad decorating skillz!  These were our no-sew window treatments thumb tacked to the wall:

10-21-2009 04;40;26PM Yeah, we definitely had the primary color scheme goin’ on up in that apartment! The dining room chair cushions were covered in the same fabric and all our accessories were either red, yellow, blue or green.  I’d like to think I’m a little more refined in my color palette now-a-days.

Moving on to my next apartment after college:

10-21-2009 11;31;42AM

At the time, I thought my window treatments were totally fab, but looking back now they look kind of poofy and overdone.  And did I mention those are also tacked to the wall with thumb tacks?  Guess I was too cheap to spring for a rod!

And here’s another attempt at DIY artwork10-21-2009 11;30;33AMUm, is it just me or are those purple sperm swimming around on that golden canvas?

And I’ve saved the best for last….the bathroom in a friend of mine’s home, where a multitude of decorating sins have been committed by the previous owner.  I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves.

IMG_3071IMG_3081IMG_3076IMG_3082IMG_3072 IMG_3073IMG_3078IMG_3080Wow.  Are your eyes burning yet??

So how about some nice photos to make up for the atrocities I’ve just shown you?  Here’s what my mom’s dining room looks like now, I think she may have burned those old drapes:


As a reminder, here’s the before:10-21-2009 11;11;19AMYes, she did a total 180 in her decorating style.  I’ll be showing off her beautiful home more in future posts. Here’s a peek at her living room and den:


I’ll also be linking up to Gina’s Transformation Thursday.


So, let’s see those decorating mistakes, I know there’s more out there!  Maybe the previous owners of your home left you some nasty wallpaper to deal with or you made an ill-advised color choice. Whatever it is, we want to see it!

If you are participating in Throwback Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address.

Please be sure to link back to the host blog, Embellished Bayou, so your fellow bloggers who are participating today will get lots of visits as well.


  1. The sad thing is in 10 yrs from now you look back and go what were we thinking??? LOL

  2. What a fun idea for a party! Good thing I made a mistake this week, huh? Sorry that it duplicated, I know it can be a headache to fix a bunch of links!

  3. In my shame, I am linking up the ugliest fabric balls you have ever seen!! Hopefully someone can out do me on the ugliness :) Thanks for sharing those fun pics. It's fun to sit back and laugh some times.

  4. Wow some of those rooms are a little scary. It's amazing how much our decorating styles can change. Your mother's dining room is gorgeous!

  5. I was so busy trying to get my post written and linked I forgot to comment on your fabulous had me laughing with your comments about the glamour shots!! What a transformation in your mom's dining room....I've never lived in one place long enough to have a then and now picture!!
    Thanks for hosting the party.

  6. I thought I was watching a horror movie. lol. The transformations you showed are fabulous though. Proves that any decorating mistake can be fixed.

  7. I had forgotten about Glamour Shots! Thanks for the first laugh of my day. I hope your mom is a good sport.

  8. Oh wow...yikes in the extreme! I've just discovered your blog, so I"m following. I'll also add your link to my ever-growing list of blog parties listed on my side bar. I've got stories to tell about my house, and I'll get a post up and linked after I run those proverbial errands this morning.

  9. I made no-sew window treatments just like yours. And I've buried my Glamour Shots. I hope they never see the light of day again.

  10. I am proud to say that I myself, being only 25 years old, have not had enough time for my home furnishings to go out of style. i will say, i have helped my mom sponge paint, and put a stensil boarder in the kitchen (all very red, white and blue). not to mention the house i lived in when i was 9 had the brady bunch kitchen literally tranplanted right into it orange counters and all. this is a GREAT post and it sure makes you appreciate great design!

  11. ps- the dining room at your mothers is gorg. I am loving those pink/purple chairs. They will be on the decorating mistakes post in 2020!

  12. I'll be back after a quick photo session in my husbands office.

    I love your Mom's new dining room (except I would have kept the old chandelier and painted it)

    The only sponging I ever did was after painting my bathroom what I thought was a great shade of yellow. The next morning I entered the room only to discover in the light of day it looked like a rest room at the Conoco station. So I thought sponging it with cream would tone it down. That didn't work. And it just kept getting worse until I just repainted the room in a few days.

  13. Thanks for hosting such a fun party! ;) I remember sponge painting! I didn't have it...but I remember friends/family who did and it never quite looked right then either. lol

    I hope to visit everyone - but back to painting right now! :)


  14. That is some funny stuff! I'm sure in 10 years we'll look back at the things we're so in love with now and laugh, too. The sponge painting is a riot, but I remember thinking it was so dramatic when I was a teenager.

  15. Too much fun - I don't have a photo to share, but I just sold my Mom's old sofa, that I designed, that was high Texas Camp - an upholstery mix of nine different fabrics, and a little leather besides - it was a mid-90's throw back that was so bad I wouldn't let her tell anyone I'd had a hand in it. The gal who bought it LOOOOVVVVESSSS it. Oh dear.

    Nice to meet you, cute party!

  16. What a fun and brave post!
    The bathroom floor though, was the crime solved? LOL.
    Glad you can laugh. I know you have great style now!

  17. Thank goodness styles change. This was a fun post.


  18. LOL LOL LOL The Sponge Painting !!! LOL LOL LOL


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