Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lowe’s Creative Ideas

Do you know that Lowe’s offers a free idea magazine?* I have been getting Lowe’s Creative Ideas magazine for a couple years now, and it’s always full of neat projects, ideas, and tips for everything from decorating to gardening to home repair.  The issues arrive in my mailbox bi-monthly, so they are always relevant to the season.  You can subscribe here.  They also offer a free quarterly Woodworking magazine available for subscription on the website and a larger 80-page Idea magazine for sale in Lowe’s stores.

I just got the fall issue last week, and I just had to share some of the creative projects with my bloggy friends!  Oh, and check out the website, too, it’s full of even more great projects!

Here’s the cover of the September/October issue:

09-04-2009 07;27;45AM

All of the main elements of this room can be found at Lowe’s, including the DIY ceiling medallion headboard.

09-04-2009 07;34;30AM

09-04-2009 07;34;30AM

There are some great fall decorating projects in this issue, including these whimsical painted pumpkins.  They remind me of the ones Roeshel did here and here.

09-04-2009 07;31;34AM

And seeing how burlap is all the rage now, why not try these little burlap bags filled with treats or fall bulbs, as suggested in the magazine:

09-04-2009 07;32;11AM

Another popular project on the DIY blog circuit is chalkboards.  Check out this one made using a backsplash panel:

09-04-2009 07;36;04AM

09-04-2009 07;36;04AM Here’s a cute way to dress up a table using clear acrylic sheets and natural elements from your yard or garden:

09-04-2009 07;33;03AM

09-04-2009 07;33;03AM

And don’t forget the fun Halloween projects like these candy corn planters and hanging ghost buckets:

09-04-2009 07;37;49AM

09-04-2009 07;37;49AM 09-04-2009 07;37;49AM Yep, you just never know what you’re gonna get when you open up one of Lowe’s Creative Ideas magazines.  Last summer I even saw my sister-in-law featured in one of the spreads:

09-04-2009 07;39;00AM 09-04-2009 07;39;40AM

09-04-2009 07;40;27AM She’s and actress/model, so no, that’s not really her cabana, and those aren’t really her kids!

So, what are you waiting for??  Hurry up and go sign up for your very own subscription, quit reading over my shoulder!

*I am in no way affiliated or paid by Lowe’s, we just happen to shop there a lot since it is close to our house.


  1. Who knew! Thats so awesome! I am going to subscribe now! :)

  2. I love that headboard! WOW! Thanks for the post ... I'lll have to suscribe myself.

  3. I used to get that and I loved it - always full of creative ideas. I love Lowe's. Being a DIY-er, we're "regulars". haha

    Thanks for the mention & links to my pumpkins! I must be channeling the Lowe's writers/crafters. I haven't seen the issue yet and now I'm wondering if it stopped being delivered. Might just have to sign up again. Thanks so much!


  4. I used to get the Lowe's magazine and haven't received one for the past couple of months so I may need to sign up again as well. I always enjoyed reading it.....great projects!!

  5. Thanks for the tip on this! I just subscribed!

  6. I'm at Lowe's at least twice a week and I had no idea they had a free mag. I just subscribed on line. Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to get my first one.

  7. You know, I haven't received an issue since we moved. Thanks for reminding me and now I see that they have a woodworkers one too,cool beans!

  8. Thanks for the info - love it! Don't tell my husband (he's a Depot man!). I'm gonna get my copy!


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