Monday, August 24, 2009

Thrifty Treasures

I hit up Goodwill and Hobby Lobby this week and scored a couple thrifty deals! All this cute scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby for 35 cents a sheet:


I think I’ll use some of it to embellish some frames.

Goodwill had two shopping carts full of Target dollar spot goodies, but the Goodwill price was 5 for $1!!! For those of you not so good at math, that's just 20 cents each, folks! Most of it was kiddie themed stuff, so I picked out a couple things for our niece and nephew and two square canvases that I can embellish or paint over:


Those were the only two canvases, I wish there would have been more. Most everything else was stuff like stickers, fake tattoos, and mini notepads.

Nothing earth shattering I know, but I’ll take a good deal wherever I can find it! Check out Rhoda’s blog post for everyone else’s fun thrifty finds.


  1. Good for you, Christy! I wish we had a nice Goodwill. I really like your shop and hope to pick up more on my crafting when my garden slows down. I did not join in on Rhoda's party this week, but don't let that stop ya on coming by to sit for a spell when you have a moment. And I would be honored if you decided to join as a follower.
    Living it up like always,

  2. Those canvases for 20 cents apiece were a great buy. Can't wait to see what you do to transform those. Have a great week.

  3. Really great bargains. You did good. Love the wonderful papers. Hugs, Marty

  4. Neat materials!!! Love em!

    Stop by for the $100 Hobby Lobby Giveaway!

    love, kelee

  5. Canvases for 20 cents!!! I am doing a happy dance for you!

  6. How fantastic! I love Target's dollar spot but I love finding Target things at Goodwill even more :). Your Hob Lob paper is super cute.


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