Thursday, July 2, 2009

Show Us Where You Live: Outdoors

This week Kelly is showcasing Garages and Yards in her weekly tour of homes. I’m so excited to participate, because I love to show off my garden, and I love to look at other peoples’ gardens!

We just have a carport, so there’s nothing exciting there, except for my hubby’s ‘65 Mustang:


This photo taken at our old house….where we had a garage…we miss you garage!

Anyway, on to more interesting things than some old car….

We’ll start in the front yard. The previous owner planted all of the daylilies and several of the other plants, we added the Louisiana irises and Butterfly irises (which I don’t have a photo of).



I call this one my Geaux Tigers Lily:



Hmmmm, seems that I don’t have any distance shots of the front flower bed, just close ups. And I’m too lazy to go take new ones. Most of these are from earlier this spring or last year.

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Down the side of the house there are these gorgeous canna lilies that the previous owner also planted. I’ve clean up this bed every year and remove plants to give to friends and family, they multiply fast!



Moving on to the backyard…… DSC01380


I usually plant petunias in these baskets on the fence since they can handle the sun.


This is the butterfly bush in the middle of the flower bed:



And the Mexican Petunia:


This little Gardenia was a housewarming present from some of our best friends. I finally planted it in the front bed this year, it had been in a pot on the back porch for 3 years:


Are you tired of seeing flowers yet?? Just hang with me for a couple more pics. I have saved the best for last. My favorites. My babies. I present to you, my hydrangeas (I am so taking credit for these even though the previous owner planted them):Picture 020

I put some aluminum in the soil of this one in order to get a lavender color:



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I just love my hydrangeas! I love that I have enough to cut a few for a vase inside every now and then and I love to watch the colors change throughout the summer.

I have so many more photos of my flowers, I could probably dedicate a whole blog just to them! Even though maintaining flower beds is a lot of work, especially in the Louisiana heat, it it totally worth it because I enjoy them so much. I check almost every day to see if I have any new blooms! Now I’m off to look at everyone else’s outdoor spaces.


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous!! Absolutely beautiful! I love your yard!

  2. Oh, I LOVE your hydrangeas! All of your flowers look so healthy and vibrant.

  3. Gorgeous! Talk about a green thumb.

  4. Wow, such a variety of flowers! Very pretty!!

  5. your garden is beautiful, love the white hydrangea!

  6. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower and yours are so pretty! The lavender ones are beauties!!

  7. Love all your flowers! So pretty!
    I can't wait for the day that I have a yard!

  8. hydrangeas are my favorites! but my mom has several daylilly varieties and she loves them.

  9. You have some really stunning flowers - this must be so lovely to come home too. I love butterfly bushes and your lillies look so gorgeous, too.

  10. Hi, I found you at Oregon cottage's Garden Party! I love your hydrangeas! I was wondering how to get the different colors. I have been looking for some blogs that share their gardens as it seems that my blogs focus has become outdoor and gardenish lately. I like to see what others have growing! Glad to have found yours! I am yournewest follower.
    I'll be visiting regularly!


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