Friday, July 17, 2009

Hooked on Decorating With Wallpaper

I recently met my friend, who is lucky enough to be decorating almost every room of her new house from scratch, at a wallpaper store to help pick out wallpaper for her powder room. After agonizing over paint colors for every other room, she really wanted some “pop” in this small space to tie everything together.

My first instinct was “Wallpaper??? UGH!! No way!” My mom & I have spent countless hours removing the offensive material from various surfaces in my current and previous homes, why would you actually want to put the stuff up intentionally?

Well, that was then….this is now. After drooling browsing over stacks of wallpaper books I am singing a different tune! I am actually trying to figure out what room in my house needs wallpaper! I knew wallpaper had become more modern but I had no idea how fabulous some of the new designs are. And, by the way, that had some cool discontinued rolls at cheap prices that would be great for smaller decorating projects, like this one from The Thrifty Decor Chick or this one from Centsational Girl.

Here’s a look at some designs that inspire me:

All images above courtesy of…who knew Target had wallpaper??

Images above courtesy of

Are you noticing a trend here? Yes, I have a thing for damask. Check out these great accessories from my bloggie/Etsy friend Monica:

And last but not least, I have just found the Piece de Resistance…..wallpaper that is EMBELLISHED with SWAROVSKI CRYSTALS!

Ok, seriously, y’all, wallpaper has now reached a whole new level in my book. I just might have to break out the crystals and start embellishing my walls!

Check out Hooked on Houses to see what everyone else is excited about!


  1. I love wallpaper and wallpapering. It surely transforms a room, unlike any other thing you can do to it.

  2. These wallpapers are all so beautiful I would have a hard time choosing. Good luck with your decision!

  3. I looove damask! I hadn't jumped back on the wallpaper bandwagon yet but this post inspires me to give it another shot!

  4. I do like wall paper but still have terrible dreams about removing it from our bathroom 2 years ago. It was expensive, it looked great for about 12 years, and it was time for it to be gone.

  5. I LOVE the 5th one!! Gorgeous!

  6. I love it! I def want to use wallpaper in my future home. I love the damask wallpaper images at the brocade home blog:

  7. Hello my bloggy friend! WooHoo!!! Party day is just a week away! I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone's creative spaces. I have a request... I thought it would be easier for everyone to leave comments if we all turned off comment moderation and word verification during the day (or maybe week) of the party. To do that, go to customize, settings, comments...then scroll down to turn off comment moderation and word verification.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous week. See you next Friday!!
    P.S. The blue and brown combo is FABULOUS!

    My Desert Cottage

  8. Ooh, yes, I could join you in some of those crystals!
    I too would like to take the plunge with wallpaper, although probably just as an accent at first!

  9. I do so remember when I had every wall in my house wallpapered. Now I am like you, just the thought of taking all that stuff down gives me shivers. There really are some beautiful papers out now and I do understand that they are better and come off easily. I can't wait to see what you do. Maybe an accent wall. I also want to let you know that the next "Cloche Party" is scheduled for Sept. 11th for the Fall season. Grab the button on my sidebar to remind you and to let your friends know. See you there. Hugs, Marty


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